While state officials have been the primary beneficiaries of the industry's largesse, there has also been a surge in contributions to Federal and local officeholders.
From tirelessly campaigning for his House colleagues for more than two decades, he has developed a nationwide network of grass-roots loyalists and local officeholders.
Then they worked the crowd, holding private sessions with donors, local officeholders and labor leaders.
These first steps, and the angry debate that surrounded them, demonstrated the turmoil that could follow as growing numbers of local officeholders from the religious right are elected.
Many said Mr. McGreevey was attempting to kill the legislation by raising the resistance of thousands of local officeholders.
They say the front, which stages its rallies at Government buildings and relies on the support of local officeholders, has again confused the party with the state.
Therefore, he says, he should not be subject to the same level of distrust that has traditionally been accorded local officeholders.
IN 1993, New Yorkers voted decisively to impose a two-term, eight-year limit on most local officeholders.
That left some local officeholders with a choice between yielding power and accepting offers of tactical support from the National Front.
Both McEnery and Kellogg had inaugural parties and certified lists of local officeholders.