A further control on local authorities is carried out by the local ombudsman (see Chapter 9).
These are often referred to as local ombudsmen.
Mrs Surphlis said a local ombudsman would give families "great comfort".
In the House of Lords he used his freedom to promote legislation on subjects which interested him: in 1969 he introduced a Bill to introduce local ombudsmen.
Russia's 83 administrative regions has the right to elect a local ombudsman whose authority is limited to that region.
The local ombudsman found Lancashire SSD had not given her the support and counselling she needed.
A second bill, known as the Hisba Act, is being prepared to enforce Shariah through a system of local ombudsmen and the religious police.
Where the local ombudsman exceeded his jurisdiction when reporting on a complaint against a local authority the Court of Appeal granted a declaration to that effect.
Therefore, I have already visited three of the six countries in which there are a large number of regional and local ombudsmen, and I intend to continue to do so.
It is also important that the local ombudsman in Chechnya is seen to be carrying out his duties impartially and effectively.