After some pleading, his mother exchanged the accordion for a Danelectro with a small amplifier at a local pawnshop.
He packed them up and took them down to the local pawnshop.
The Tat answered by throwing open his overcoat, revealing an array of menacing weapons from local pawnshops.
They hired a private investigator to scour local pawnshops and Craigslist for the stolen laptop.
About two months prior to the shootings Pough purchased a M1 carbine at a local pawnshop.
She brought a battery charger for the family car to Cash America, a local pawnshop, to ask for help.
So they lined up at local pawnshops carrying laptops, stereos, guitars and power tools.
The band's management waited six weeks before issuing a press release asking for its return, hoping the guitar would turn up in a local pawnshop.
At the age of six, he was given his first trumpet, which had been purchased at a local pawnshop.
Many police departments advise burglary or robbery victims to visit local pawnshops to see if they can locate stolen items.