This hospital was set up in 1871 by a local philanthropist and initially only treated sailors although it quickly became a general hospital.
The government, often working with local philanthropists, opened 186 universities and colleges of higher education by 1911; they enrolled 36,000 students (over 90% men).
Success followed and he became a prominent local philanthropist.
Many local philanthropists responded to Wegeforth's urging and provided funding.
The Raj, often working with local philanthropists, opened 186 colleges and universities.
Some foundation administrators and local philanthropists are saying they are tapped out.
The buildings themselves, often paid for by local philanthropists, were commissioned from leading architects.
The city also hosts a yearly festival sponsored by local philanthropists that bring artists from around the world.
Smith was also active in founding mechanics institutes and became a well-known local philanthropist.
His youthful interest in art was encouraged by a local philanthropist, and he received instruction.