It was the site of a 17th and 18th century public tobacco warehouse where local planters stored their crops to be shipped to England.
This is also the site where African slaves were brought by ship from Africa and sold to local planters to work on the sugar plantations.
There they got a contract from a local planter to clear a section of wooded land he owned; their payment was the timber from it.
While in Jamaica, Concanen married the daughter of a local planter.
As income was cut off, the local planters often fell into debt.
In 1837 he married Mary Goree, the daughter of a local planter.
He was given his forenames for Samuel Jackman, a local white planter.
It replaced a courthouse where a local planter, Jefferson Davis, started his political career.
The Briery church purchased five slaves in 1766 and raised money for church expenses by hiring them out to local planters.
Evidently Byrnes was no favorite with the local planters.