This schema was eventually rejected due to intensifying local pollution and disturbance.
What's different about global warming, I think, is that unlike local pollution, dealing with it requires concerted action by governments around the world.
The light rail service is estimated to give an increase in the use of public transport from Fana, reducing both local and global pollution.
Lead poisoning or other types of local pollution continue to kill many Chinese children.
What researchers thought was local pollution was responsible for acid rain.
Yau asserted some local pollution had roots outside the territory, and was outside of the government's control.
The river water around the fort has been found to be heavily contaminated with coliform bacteria resulting from local pollution.
Many corals around the world are now at risk from heat shock, irrespective of local pollution or stresses.
The front of the building is floodlit at night, contributing to local light pollution.
There is also a claim that the mercury content is actually a result of local industrial pollution.