Khalis reportedly entered Afghanistan many times to join his forces in waging war against the Soviets and their local proxies.
There's even a very popular local proxy that you actually run in your own machine, called Proxomitron.
Stock market indices are frequently used as local proxies for the market-and in that case (by definition) have a beta of one.
Russia has also found strong indigenous forces to serve as local proxies to do much of the continued fighting.
It has even done something the minimalists would applaud: getting a local proxy, the Northern Alliance, to do the bulk of the fighting.
The Soviet Union was drawn directly into Afghanistan through the blunders and ferocity of its local ideological proxies.
Even that won't have a chance unless the neighboring governments of Rwanda and Uganda order their local proxies to stop fighting.
American diplomacy will need to keep shoring up the commitment of the three Balkan Presidents and their local proxies to the peace agreement.
In this scenario, the tactic so visible today is to provide support to local proxies and create institutional blockages to bilateral discussions and negotiation.
The Kremlin has chosen a strategy of working through local proxies, hoping to pass authority to them and to withdraw its troops and police.