From 1832 to 1833, he was commander in-chief in India, with the local rank of general.
In early 1778 Mathew was promoted to the "local rank" of major general.
Of course, too, she's my superior, but after all hers is a strictly local rank, and in Europe we should be on much the same footing.
Colonel Bernelle was given command and the local rank of General.
By this time he had been promoted to the local rank of Major.
He was given the local rank of lieutenant general in 1813.
The local rank is organised in the 7 boroughs of Hamburg.
In 1824 he was granted the local rank of Major in Africa only.
Puttee's chances for election benefitted from a serious division in the local Liberal ranks.
He was also given the local rank of lieutenant-general on 11 November 1879.