Justin Morrison starting playing hockey late in his childhood - around age 11 - after seeing the sport at a local rink.
She begged to go to a summer hockey camp at the local rink, and, with dread, they signed her up.
That fall, when she was 6, she joined a league that played at the local rink.
In his spare time, he worked at the local rink, managing it and making its ice.
She spent a large amount of her youth roller skating at a local rink, and watched RollerGames.
It has been taken to parades, schools, city halls, local rinks and hospitals.
Camcorder in hand, she visits the local rink to conduct research.
This first round, despite its flaws, should be better than much of what has been seen lately around the local rinks.
From a fan's perspective, the Coliseum has the best sight lines among the three local rinks.
During the day, when Madison's father works at the local rink, her grandparents take care of her.