The county owns the local roadway, which is in a residential area, and has erected an array of lights, signs and warning devices.
Frequent and direct property access is more compatible with the function of local and collector roadways.
Funding is also secured for local roadway and infrastructure construction, water resources development, education and community safety programs.
The highway headed eastward, passing over hills and intersecting with several local roadways.
The City is planning to improve the trail and acquire property, but in the meantime routes trail traffic onto local roadways.
But the 40 percent of skiers who depend on local roadways rather than airports are having trouble getting there.
The women's dormitory constructed during his tenure, as well as the administration building and a local roadway, were named in his honor.
As with the entire Jersey Shore, summer traffic routinely clogs local roadways throughout the season.
This name is borne out by early reference to local roadways as chaseways.
"Changing the local roadways is not a feasible solution."