Sherrill Levitt, 47, an in-demand hairdresser at a local salon, was a single mother and especially close to her only daughter.
Perhaps, he mused, a local salon would give him a chance.
May 4, 2001 - Before heading to the local salon for a manicure or pedicure, be forewarned!
A My advice would be to telephone around your local salons to ask if they are looking for suitable 'house models'.
Call your local leading salon for advice and a consultation.
"Do you know any of the stylists in any of the local salons?"
About 1890 she began exploring photography, and soon she was participating in local salons.
There are many different kinds of pedicures you can give yourself or request at your local salon.
Get a new hair style Visit your local salon for a makeover to enhance and complement the slimmer you.
Julia, Angelita's cousin, is an outrageous hair stylist at a local salon.