His father was a local schoolmaster; his much younger mother died from child labour when he was 9 years old.
He was educated by local schoolmasters and Baptist ministers.
A local postmistress has been killed and suspicion has fallen on the local schoolmaster.
Powell and his siblings were all educated by their father who was the local schoolmaster.
Many Scottish saddlers made tawses for local schoolmasters.
Bird was born in Hazlerigg, Northumberland, the son of the local schoolmaster.
Derrick Van Bummel - the local schoolmaster and later a member of Congress.
She is in love with Karl Reder, the local schoolmaster.
Like many similar properties throughout France, it fell to the local schoolmaster to preserve as well as he could the vestiges of the past.
The final word is given to the local schoolmaster, who says: "The city's greed is destroying the countryside.