When men threw rocks, the Americans went to the local sheik and threatened to cut down palm groves.
Beyond that is a delicate balancing act with local sheiks.
But the men said that they did not believe him and that they would take him to a local sheik.
These were ruled over by local "sheiks", who in turn were often vassals of more powerful kings.
We found a local tribal sheik who said he could corral them.
Once, a local sheik greeted his men by offering to sacrifice a cow.
The governor has asked local sheiks to encourage restraint.
They said they had found a local sheik, whom they did not name, to lead a citizen's council.
Turned out he was one of the local sheiks and the twenty something was his harem manager.
"I represent the law in the city," General Obudi told local sheiks at a meeting last month.