He established a new stock-breeding farm and sold his produce to the local slaughterhouses.
Their bodies were denied a burial; they were destroyed in the local slaughterhouse.
But even to have local slaughterhouses would be better than having to cart an old dear like Clover across the country to die.
The scene was filmed in a local slaughterhouse and the killing was one of the many that take place there every day.
The crew covered its walls with drops of animal blood obtained from a local slaughterhouse.
They had been fed raw chicken carcasses from a local slaughterhouse.
They took them in trucks to the local slaughterhouse, where they were shot.
This meant that large quantities of cattle were required for the local slaughterhouse, which was opened in 1899.
In late autumn I'll haul them up the road to a local, independent slaughterhouse, which has a smokehouse of its own.
Before this it had been an association between various local slaughterhouses.