Even the locals had reluctantly started to welcome their spending power in the absence of the regular tourists.
In the 1970's and 80's, locals started getting into the act.
The name caught on and locals started referring to the water as Elizabeth Lake; later it became official.
The locals had started getting very light-fingered as hunger raised its ugly head.
It was around eleven now; most of the weekenders had already gone, and the locals were starting to bed down for the night.
Fearing for their lives, locals started to avoid her.
The locals noticed it and started calling the new arrivals los blanquitos.
Three locals appeared and started to play dominoes at a nearby table.
The locals, although yet a driving force in the competition, started to be replaced by international top bodyboarders on the top 10.
It wasn't the hottest of climates: The locals started dropping dead in the street when the mercury topped 75.