Upon leaving school he joined a local stockbroker's firm.
Now he's come for advice to his local stockbrokers.
The stock is being sold in markets worldwide through local stockbrokers.
A local stockbroker put it more bluntly.
It was paid for by Robert Horsfall, a local stockbroker and Anglo-Catholic.
Our clients, a local stockbroker and his wife, had the means to fund an effective challenge to the policy.
To keep up the pace - and to introduce some expertise - the teachers frequently called in local stockbrokers, insurance salesmen or bankers to teach a class.
Chris Ford, a local stockbroker, said people were talking about the arrest with shock and surprise, but he noted wryly: "The community is not exactly rallying behind this man.
Wilkinson opened Wallace's Book Store in June 1965 after a local stockbroker helped him raise the initial capital needed through a public stock offering.
Another person said the monsignor had invested money through a local stockbroker.