His father, Thomas Hunter, was a local storekeeper and a native of Scotland, and Rex was his fourth child.
The name was chosen in honor of a local storekeeper, William Suggs.
Within a week, however, local storekeepers helped to put Joplings back in business, by offering accommodation for the different departments at premises throughout the town.
The saleswomen, called hostesses, cut their own deals, obtaining samples, coupons and premiums from local storekeepers and service providers, which they packed into baskets.
She'll help them financially if they will execute the local storekeeper, who, many years ago, seduced her, made her pregnant and denied paternity.
Smart kid, runs errands for local storekeepers, that kind of thing.
Groups of women demanded that a local storekeeper stop selling the magazine issue.
In 1888, a local storekeeper in charge of the post office named John Britton, paid $500 to have the town renamed after himself.
The town was named for local storekeeper and postmaster William Farler.
Strolling around his store and greeting customers by name, Mr. Gurrera seemed the epitome of the local storekeeper with deep community roots.