Even so, the sudden advance caught Moreau's somewhat scattered French forces by surprise and achieved local superiority.
In particular, the combat results table favors attacking where one has a local superiority of numbers.
Dividing the fleet and remaining passive would allow the enemy to hit each piece in turn and have local superiority when they did so.
Only local superiority could be obtained, whenever the Bf 109s appeared in strength.
This allows a commander with weaker or equal forces to achieve a local superiority in numbers.
As amphibious operations depended on local naval superiority, "Culverin" had to be abandoned.
At the start of a conflict between the two powers, the Germans would therefore be able to attack the Royal Navy with local superiority.
To counter the enemy's local superiority in artillery, the French formed in a single line with three-pace gaps between men.
The resulting clash was fierce and bloody, with neither side achieving local superiority.
Now, they say, they have local superiority wherever they need it, but most of Iraq's air force may be intact.