The local townsfolk put together a non-profit corporation to purchase the house and its grounds, for use as a museum.
She was nevertheless received with great enthusiasm by the local townsfolk.
He explains that it remains unclear why, but the local townsfolk seem to think the place is haunted.
The local townsfolk become skeptical of Judkins' ability to care for the girl, and try to have her taken away.
In the late 1880s, Henry was not a particularly popular man with local townsfolk.
Devout Catholics, the local townsfolk built their first church in the early 1870s.
They create a play intended to depict the murder - according to the official account of it by the authorities - to local townsfolk.
The local townsfolk began around 1790 to turn the rocky area into a landscape garden.
Throughout the town's limited growth, various means of entertainment were employed by the local townsfolk.
At least a few of these brigands were themselves local townsfolk.