The Americans supported and armed Venezuelans to overthrow local tyrants.
They are deadly enemies of the camp of the local tyrants and evil gentry and attack without the slightest hesitation.
What features will the next Windows release have to offer the surveillance community, or your favorite local tyrant?
Later on, the charges of "local tyrants", and "historical counterrevolutionaries" who had incurred "blood debts", were added.
The more absolute the power of the local tyrant, the more rapidly and completely his policy desires are implemented.
However, Shek starts to abuse his new power and uses it to bully others, becoming a local tyrant in town.
The support for the Assembly came mainly from the southern provinces, where there was a tradition of opposition to the local tyrants.
Written from 1957 to 1962, the books focused on a humble Galician fishing family confronting a local political tyrant.
In the preceding several years, many other cities on Sicily had split from Syracuse and were ruled by local tyrants.
After all, we are not talking about a distant African or Asian country where a local tyrant is violating democracy.