The story goes that he was fed up with local wags smearing mud on the initial C from city signs, changing it to "assville".
My involvement in the Gary Soneji kidnapping had already been broadcast by the local wags.
Indeed, one local wag used to say that, on a really good day, smoke could be seen rising from the chimneys!
The local wags made laborious jests when he passed.
On the first of those tours, after scoring 75 at Sydney against New South Wales, a local wag presented Barlow with a commemorative belt.
Named after an adjacent church, local wags nicknamed it "the Passover".
He won convictions in several cases considered by local wags as "impossible" successfully to prosecute, including one kidnapping.
In 1886 some unnamed local wag wrote a poem called "Dog Town," explaining how the Chester had acquired such a pejorative nickname.
A local wag scratched on it: "ridden to death by careless John".
So many chains opened in Aberdeen that a local wag claimed Main Street, where our store was located, should be renamed Chain Street.