Greater water retention is also important for recharging local watersheds.
But my experience suggests that the members are far too absorbed in shaggy-fish tales and the threat to the local watershed to bother with business.
Its mission is "To inspire Bay Area communities to understand, appreciate and protect our local watersheds."
Specifically, he sought the removal of 2,4-D and Garlon 4 based on concerns regarding potential interaction with the local watershed.
Other impacted resources, such as oil reserves and the retention of the local watershed, can often be cheaply conserved by thoughtful designs.
The boars are considered a nuisance by forest officials due to the erosion damage they cause to the local watersheds.
Nestle also agreed to monitor the impact of the plant on the local watershed for two years.
All stakeholders interested in their local watershed including conservation organizations and watershed groups, should be involved in the development of the trading program.
The park also has a rain garden designed to collect water and improve the local watershed.
The award was given to recognize campus-wide efforts toward environmental sustainability by treating storm water runoff before it reaches the local watershed.