And the Peninsula Public Library is working with local yeshivas, some of which lack large libraries, to train students on online data bases.
He now posts letters from students at the local yeshivas and expects a late rush of business on Saturday nights.
Natan Slifkin was born and raised in Manchester, United Kingdom, where he studied at a local yeshiva.
Thus barred from the public schools, the elder Nash went on to manage a toy store, also teaching in a local yeshiva.
In 1984, he was part of the group that established the settlement Itamar near Nablus and also initiated the local yeshiva that he still leads today.
Production is scrutinized by four Orthodox students from a local yeshiva to make sure the process meets religious standards.
Most Kiryas Joel children attend local yeshivas, but the village has sought money to educate disabled students whom it does not want to place in public schools.
Mr. Brach took advantage of a "faculty housing bonus" allowing the extra stories by claiming that the buildings would house faculty members of the local yeshiva.
It belongs to a rabbi - who teaches Talmud at a local yeshiva - and his wife.
Most of the 3,500 students in District 15 who attend private schools go to local yeshivas.