There are about nine small, localized populations on sandstone rimrock ledges on the mesas.
Many specimens are recorded from near research stations and cities, but that is almost certainly more due to the ease of finding them there than higher localized populations.
The species is highly resilient, with localized populations able to double within fifteen months.
To get beyond that individual, their offspring have to be lucky enough to inherit it, reproduce, etc. before it can even spread within a small, localized population.
It is easy to advance a number of hypotheses regarding the disappearance of the more localized populations of this species.
It is found in a wide range of wooded habitats in eastern and northern South America, with localized population in the west.
The general concept is to create an area where the local populations of sea creatures can thrive and create a localized over population.
Information on the species is still limited and much more efforts are needed for a longterm plan to monitor localized populations.
There are currently small, highly localized feral populations.
Regional papers give advertisers access to localized populations and their niche target audience, difficult to do via national broadcast media.