Until the mid-1980s, most farms were stocked with young wild animals, called 'postlarvae', typically caught locally.
Locally caught fish is the order of the day, but there are some interesting pasta dishes also on offer.
Six months before the park was opened, seven bottlenose dolphins were caught locally and trained as performance animals for the next ten years.
The park also holds a number of small restaurants which are noted for their locally caught fish.
Locally caught fish are also used to make rihaakuru, a traditional fish soup.
Locally caught fish is the star of the menu, cooked and served from the outdoor champagne-and-seafood shack during the summer.
The earliest attempts were made in Canada around the turn of the century, using locally caught mink to get the breeding colony started.
Fish was caught locally and offered to the goddess.
By April the fish will be locally caught.
Pregnant women in Sweden were advised not to eat locally caught fish.