A locally constructed gas-cleaning precipitator was evaluated to reduce the need for frequent filter changing and the gasifier also incorporated a tar condensate trap.
In Queensland, steam locomotives were locally constructed by Walkers.
They offer family rides in two small carriages, that have been locally constructed on ex Salt Tub chassis.
At the end of September 1989 India's first locally constructed submarine, built in collaboration with a West German company, was launched.
The church was solidly constructed of timber cut locally and sawed into planks in the mill standing upstream of the new church site.
Pipe organs were brought from abroad and constructed locally; the instrument built in 1682 in Leżajsk is of the highest quality.
The iron goods constructed locally were stored at the castle before being shipped to other royal locations.
The last locally constructed shipping vessel was launched from a shipyard at Blackwall in 1912, and scheduled shipping services ceased in 1914.
And so while a lot of the building's hardware had been bought elsewhere, the facility had been constructed locally.
For example, the state of Karnataka has about 44,000 artificial wetlands locally constructed over many centuries.