Their guidelines for 'equitable, locally defined and self-sustaining development' are helpful and deserve close study by anyone working in the field.
Yet the jail crisis is a county, state and national problem, not the problem of a locally defined geographic area.
The Gauss map can always be defined locally (i.e. on a small piece of the surface).
This notion can also be defined locally, i.e. for small neighborhoods of points.
As with every elasticity, this measure is defined locally, i.e. defined at a point.
Parameters locally defined within the predicate are called variables.
The centers will be defined locally and therefore it is a problem to guarantee that they will match up into a global center.
For classical non-equilibrium studies, we will consider some new locally defined intensive macroscopic variables.
Such locally defined gradients of intensive macroscopic variables are called 'thermodynamic forces'.
These locally defined connections are the same on overlapping parts, so there is a unique connection associated with an affine structure.