Possibly these techniques could locate evidence that might be overlooked by regular methodology.
They try to help locate evidence and witnesses.
Two hundred pages later I'd located ample evidence for understanding his pain and sense of isolation, his longing to be heard.
Funds typically may be used to review such postconviction cases and to locate and analyze biological evidence associated with these cases.
The team is ordered to use Sarah's personal connection to investigate, and locate evidence connecting Ahmad to terrorist activities.
Our job was to locate and preserve evidence in one of the largest crime scenes in history.
The mission attempted (successfully) to locate evidence of water on Mars.
The government did not locate evidence of Zia having a relationship in the heroin trade, but has been considered.
"Inability to locate evidence, however, does not alone justify the extraordinary step of applying market share liability."
Their mission: to do swabbings and to find areas that would be good for locating evidence.