Investigations involve searching crime scenes for clues, interviewing witnesses, following leads, analyzing and evaluating evidence, locating suspects, and making arrests.
Search and rescue dog (SAR) - This dog is used to locate suspects or find missing people or objects.
Over the objections of civil liberties groups and privacy advocates, the Federal Government today announced new technical standards for cellular phones that will broadly expand the ability of law-enforcement agents to monitor conversations and locate criminal suspects.
Three weeks ago, it announced standards to expand the ability of law-enforcement agents to monitor conversations and locate criminal suspects.
As a result, federal and local authorities began an effort to locate possible suspects who might have carried out the surveillance.
They can be used for identification and to locate possible suspects in unsolved cases.
Thus, to win, players must locate suspects and interrogate them in addition to making suggestions.
The Patrol also uses several small airplanes for use as air traffic patrol, and to locate suspects fleeing on foot, into the wooded areas, and farm fields of rural Iowa.
There are too many actors involved to easily locate suspects, and it is difficult to know if a particular compromise was caused by a mole or by some technical feat of the other side.
In various cases, investigators must be able to find and analyze evidence, locate suspects and identify victims.