The paper is distributed throughout the city and suburbs at taxicab garages and other locations frequented by drivers.
Pages 85-99, Harper Haunts, described a number of locations frequented by Harpers.
In retail locations frequented by children, an eye-catching red or yellow may be best.
Some groups in southeastern Arizona have said they are expanding a program to place water stations at remote locations frequented by illegal immigrants.
In Tallinn, as well as in other locations frequented by tourists, many people can communicate in English.
Calorie-dense, prepared snacks are available in many locations frequented by children.
The island remained thickly covered with trees, and was described as a picturesque location frequented by lovers.
Copies are distributed throughout the city, mainly at locations frequented by students such as popular diners and movie theaters, and is also online.
The hotel eventually became a popular location frequented by many London residents, including city clerks and gamblers.
Brochures and leaflets, can be circulated widely to locations frequented by potential recruits.