The material transmitted was daily records of bets placed at the ring's 17 locations scattered throughout Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island.
If Raziel shifts, he loses his active elemental imbuement, and must re-forge the blade at locations scattered throughout the game world.
The earliest cafeterias in California were opened at least 12 years after Kruger's Cafeteria, and Childs already had several dozen locations scattered around the country.
This week, the arts center board voted to leave the church temporarily and conduct its 2000-01 season in exile, at locations scattered throughout the city.
Totalling about 2500, these documents have been drawn from locations scattered around the globe in order to reconstitute original series and sequences.
Though rarely encountered, the false catshark has been caught from locations scattered around the world, indicating a wide circumglobal distribution.
However, there were locations scattered about in Michigan shopping malls in the 1990s.
Other sites have produced single examples of the Cahokia flint clay statues and pipes, in locations scattered throughout the American South.
For his finale, Clifford brought up views of five different targets on separate screens, the locations being scattered across hundreds of miles of Arctic wilderness.
It's in locations scattered around the country, and the Defense Department has wisely decided to consolidate.