Cirrus also offers a locator service by phone - (800) 424-7787.
And the state's locator service is formidable, Mr. DiNallo said.
The Center has links to the locator services of the US military and to the American Red Cross.
Therefore, we are unable to provide locator services for members still serving on active duty.
The company is offering an array of features, including locator services and video calls, under the brand name (or numeral) 3, in Britain.
The New York City Department of Education runs public noncharter schools in Harlem and provides a locator service for finding them.
"We subscribe to a locator service."
"And I have sisters and brothers who should still be living, probably in Omaha; would you get your locator service after them?"
She dialed the locator service and instructed it to find Junior Agent Merla Tepp and have her report.
See Locating Veterans and Service Members for links to military locator services.