During the 1950s, large numbers of folding switchblade or automatic opening knives with locking blades were imported from Italy to the United States.
He smiled into Smith's eyes and lunged again, and Smith, jumping back, was unable to free his boot knife before they locked blades once more.
Prodding and thrusting, he locked blades with Matthias.
They clashed, locking blades, then the giant sprang back in what was an obvious prelude to another attack.
He locked blades with the Ekinari girl, then gripped her by the hair.
They locked blades and came chest to chest, clamping each other in a murderous embrace with their free arms.
Some local jurisdictions prohibit the possession or use of pocket knives that feature locking blades.
When they locked blades he felt the new power in the boy's arm, and his eyes narrowed.
He locked blades with the enemy, pushing strongly until he broke free of the stalemate.
They locked blades, and he twisted again, moving his wrist.