They stood in a row before a lofty porticoed building.
It covers an area of 40 acres in the heart of the city with lofty building to house different sections separately.
"I feel a sour, malign presence in that lofty building."
At twelve stories, later increased to fourteen, it was the loftiest residential building in Britain.
In Fishkill, the lofty building offers lots of walls for artwork.
In between is the heart of the city with its lofty, jagged buildings.
He hurried between the lofty buildings and found a small marketplace brightly lit.
Crossing the square I passed into the twilight depths of the lofty building.
Its lofty buildings stretch in a 600m-long unbroken wall of honey-coloured stone blocks, a.
They were just then passing down a narrow, rather dark street, lined on both sides by lofty buildings of quaint and elaborate architecture.