For a team with lofty expectations, it is one less thing to worry about in the preseason.
But Albright's club career did not live up to the lofty expectations.
With Burrell, the problem was always the lofty expectations he carried into the league.
If you plan to roam, bring a water bottle, but leave your lofty expectations at home.
There are, of course, the lofty expectations that art engenders.
Ever wondered why life doesn't measure up to those youthful lofty expectations?
Now, the women have the same lofty expectations as the men, and nothing less than bringing home the gold can be considered a success.
Wilson may very well live up to all those lofty expectations, but not without experiencing some growing pains along the way.
But her fame has brought lofty expectations, some of which have not yet been met.
Both have yet to live up to lofty expectations.