That lofty level of quality and rewarding experience can also be found, at least occasionally, on American television.
For the most part, he had kept it at that lofty level, getting the No. 1 ranking at season's end five more times.
Why else did the strong warnings he made about the lofty levels of stock prices last month go unheeded by so many?
Consumer spending has slowed from the lofty levels of last year.
He was concerned about the lofty level of stock prices when the Dow was at 6,400 late last year.
But remember that at these lofty levels, that's just a 2 percent drop.
Then again, those same lofty levels mean the Dow has an awfully long way to fall.
Not all the reactions were on such a lofty level.
In other words, the lofty level of the Japanese stock market makes it far cheaper to raise equity capital.
There were assassinations and money scandals at the loftiest levels of the federal Government.