Instead, Ginzburg has fashioned his lofty reputation by pursuing topics that at first glance might seem arcane, occultist, eccentric.
A Lighter Touch Duke, on the other hand, has a lofty academic reputation.
Obviously, Coach K is more important to Duke than one might think from the university's lofty reputation.
Over the years, however, the film acquired a lofty reputation, as the first (and possibly most) purely cinematic version of Shakespeare ever.
S. S.& K. is among several agencies seeking to help Delta regain its lofty reputation after spending almost 20 months in federal bankruptcy protection.
Three of America's top 19-year-old racers will risk their lofty reputations early, in a couple of high-profile openers.
Douglas had not borne a very lofty reputation in the neighbourhood.
But teachers in schools with less lofty reputations make an equally convincing case for themselves.
With his own lofty reputation, Mr. Lucas has been able to attract performers and directors who don't make a habit of working in television.
"A pretty big responsibility," Paris commented, remembering his own struggles to live up to his father's lofty reputation.