Wires routed through the cores were enabled for various data and logic elements in the processor.
The controlling of signals by means of combinational logic elements.
These logic elements are one-use-only, as a domino cannot be reset.
These function without a clock signal and so individual logic elements cannot be relied upon to have a discrete true/false state at any given time.
Now we can see that even with imperfect logic elements, our example will not show signs of hazards when X1 changes state.
Several boards would be used to make a discrete logic element of the machine, known as a "module."
The first step, placement, involves deciding where to place all electronic components, circuitry, and logic elements in a generally limited amount of space.
It's a logic element, and can hold one bit of binary memory (either on or off, 1 or 0,.
The customization process involves connecting the logic elements into a particular arrangement.
In the Actel chip, for instance, logic elements are separated by a layer of insulation.