Mill argues that the fullest liberty of expression is required to push arguments to their logical limits, rather than the limits of social embarrassment.
They might well hope for a happier state, but that was the logical limit of their optimism.
This, the association acknowledges, "is the upper logical limit of loss."
Are the attacks of Sept. 11 a bump in the evolutionary road or have we reached the logical limit?
On Thursday, a federal judge in upstate New York pushed Justice Scalia's reasoning to something like its logical limit.
There is no logical limit to these lawsuits, or indeed, to others that readily could be brought.
I'd spend any amount on a picture, within logical limits.
The logical limits inherent in programs are designed to cater for larger entries than any that currently exist or could conceivably be produced during the design life of the system.
There is no logical limit to how much our collective power will grow.
She was near her physio- logical limits.