This is a Zen paradox, because from a logical standpoint Mary ought to have been the final straw that utterly destroyed Gino.
From a logical standpoint, Jake knew that would never happen.
From a logical standpoint the whole world might be a fraud perpetrated on everybody.
Indeed he tried to assume a responsible man's uncertainty, and to review his actions from a moral and logical standpoint as a good man should do.
If I look at him from a logical standpoint, he would be a perfect person with whom to spend the rest of my life.
From a logical standpoint, however, TWC is simply allowing users to use all the screens in their home that can display the content.
From a logical standpoint, a person who is traveling in the plane will be upside down at the top of the circle.
From a logical standpoint, we must assume that they will react with the same distrust as we would if the situation were reversed.
From a logical standpoint, the subclasses of UAV are disjoint.
From a logical standpoint, the order in which the thiol groups are exposed to form disulfides should be of little consequence, since the other cysteines are protected.