What can we logically expect from some of these Judges, some of whom would look very much at home in 16th or 17th century Britain?
For example, if you give your creature four equine legs, you can logically expect it to gallop around like a horse.
The commander's demeanor at the negotiation table during the past days was not what one would logically expect of a Klingon renegade.
For Palestinians it would have been the price of the Israeli withdrawal that they logically expect to lead to independence.
The footsteps, however, did not halt, as The Shadow logically expected.
Because many of the photographers live in the Zapatista conflict zone, one might logically expect their lenses to be trained on political subject matter.
Torre is logically expecting that the 34-year-old Strawberry and his tired, injury-prone body to need occasional rests.
He would logically expect some sort of message before the afternoon ended.
They are above what we might logically expect them to be.
And yes, it is higher than we could logically expect it to be.