The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts logically extended the rule to include that superintendent as a fellow-servant, just another employee whose negligence in injuring a different employee would not render the employer liable.
Such a rule, Justice Ginsburg said, would not be easily confined to guns but would logically extend to "bare-boned tips about narcotics," on the ground that guns are often associated with drug dealing.
The system may logically extend the mode bit to define areas of memory to be used when the processor is in kernel mode versus user mode.
Logically extending a lifetime of military service in the defence of his country with a direct, positive approach.
Christian communists logically extend this argument in support of empowering a government or a community to control some aspects of society that are left uncontrolled in capitalism (e.g., most economic relations).
The ban on neckties should logically extend to jeans.
However, this scientific observation of motion does not logically extend to the idea of existence, and therefore does not necessarily indicate creation from absolutely nothing.
Nearly 80% of Marilyns in Great Britain are in Scotland, where they logically extend earlier Scottish lists such as the Munros, Corbetts, Grahams and Donalds.
BankBoston logically extends the territory of Bank of New York, for example.
Why shouldn't it logically extend to the valuation of oneself?