The resulting set of parts was frequently enormous and a daunting logistical task to transport.
Of the 30000 men only a third would be deployed for security reasons, the others would get logistical and humanitarian tasks.
And the huge logistical task of moving grain, meat and fuel is well behind schedule.
Many thousands of logs were brought for construction from the mainland, a complex logistical task in that time.
The soldiers here have provided water, bulldozed campsites and helped with other heavy-duty logistical tasks.
For the Fire Department, figuring out how to mourn what may be more than 300 dead is a wrenching logistical task.
Fulfilling a complicated logistical task, the units of the shock army started to move on September 5, 1944.
It was these women who performed many of the logistical, day-to-day tasks that made the movement successful.
You will appreciate that organising a competition for 30 000 candidates in 11 languages at 40 different sites is an enormous logistical task.
Since then, scientific and logistical tasks of polar flights have been performed by Polar 2.