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No loitering on the patio, please, or one could be hit by something from above.
Over the years, teen loitering has increasingly become a problem.
Loitering may be prohibited by local governments in several countries.
And if not, what was he doing loitering in our shop?"
Loitering is the act of remaining in a particular public place for a protracted time.
However, when he reached the Hall, there was no sign of her fleeing figure among those still loitering.
Notify me if you see any one loitering about that booth.
After about a minute, my loitering caught their attention.
Loitering is defined as "to remain in any one place with no apparent purpose."
A recent survey by the town found that residents were unhappy with the loitering downtown.
But when they pitched in the postseason, there has almost never been any mental loitering.
There has been little loitering, and the center has created no other problems for the neighborhood.
Just over six and a half hours - I was testing the flexibility factor with controlled loitering.
Finally he turned to move on before someone within, noticing his shameless loitering, urged him away.
At that moment the object of his loitering appeared on the opposite comer.
As you can see from the signs out on the street, there is no parking up here and no loitering after dark.
"What are you two doing loitering around here?"
Glenn had already been outside on a recce, reporting back that there was no one loitering.
There can be no loitering at the crossroads.
The loitering stopped once he built the cage.
Loitering, panhandling and cursing are major problems, they said.
Affixed to the bench was a sign that read, somewhat paradoxically, no loitering.
"It has helped deter shoplifting and has cut down on some of the loitering."
Loitering may be "discouraged" but the record does not contain even one instance of someone ejected on that basis.
In the last fifteen years we've arrested him eight times and made one charge stick--loitering.