What I wanted was to recreate the city Philip Marlowe thinks of as a chess board, on which he is the lone white knight.
Harry sighed and moved his lone knight.
Any caravan he might meet would be a Muslim caravan, and they would not take kindly to the presence of a lone Frankish knight in their midst.
There is an iron quality about Jon Shannow that is admirable and worthy in a lone knight riding through a savage world.
On the edge of the yard, a lone knight with a pair of golden roses on his shield was holding off three foes.
I am a lone knight, surrounded by unworthy souls.
But there is -' he began, intending to tell the prince about the lone surviving knight they had found.
We are under the command of a lone Knight of Solamnia, a former townsman named Kalend.
ANYONE who thinks a lone knight can slay a dragon with just his sword has never tried to kill a dragon.
The inhabitants of this particular village eyed the lone knight differently than those Huma had passed in other places.