If they can't do that, lone electrons are left hanging around.
As it is not always obvious where a lone electron resides in a radical cation a square bracket notation is often used.
A lone electron (for example in reactions involving metal ions)
The lack of motion keeps the electromagnetic environment relatively constant in the vicinity of the lone electron.
The beam would be composed of protons gained by stripping hydrogen atoms of their lone electrons.
Hydrogen's lone electron normally resides in the ground state, but various energetic events can move it to higher states.
The acetyl group contains a methyl group bonded to a carbonyl with a lone electron left over.
All the quantum mechanics in the world cannot make it possible to predict the behavior of one lone electron, only the average behavior of many.
The degree to which the atoms were deflected by the field allowed the scientists to calculate the magnetic role played by each hydrogen atom's lone electron.
Scientists demonstrate a method to alter the properties of a lone electron without disturbing nearby electrons, a feat important in the development of quantum computers.