Juries, rather than "a lone employee of the state," should make these decisions, Justice Scalia said.
Mike Pritchard joined the broadcaster from the Scone Advocate newspaper, and has been the station's rural reporter ever since, even acting as the lone employee in the region on occasion.
Unlike most lone employees, companies can afford to pay lawyers to tie up cases for years.
Unless there is a union involved, it is generally up to the lone employee to screen out arbitrators with ties to the industry of the company whose behavior they are reviewing.
It wasn't manned, because the lone employee had moved to the metal detector, to screen passengers on the outbound flight.
I'm a lone federal employee working at the grass-roots level to help the Cuyahoga," Mr. Davis said.
It had a lone employee, sitting impassive in the window, trying to catch the eye of those outside.
Do not expect the waitress, the lone employee, to change the silverware, which arrives wrapped in a thin napkin, after each course.
A lone Hallet employee wandered the empty parking lot with a bag, picking up litter.
He has a huge ego and constantly hits on Candy, his lone employee, unsuccessfully.