But with nothing but a bank of tapes supporting Dean's lone guitar and Gene's metal-playboy vocals, the group's mock pomposity constantly collapses back upon itself.
"Purple Rain" opens with a lone guitar quickly followed by live drumming and a prominent organ, evoking images of church gospel music.
It was the sound of a simple drumbeat, a lone guitar and Ms. Harvey's voice, alone and exposed, circling through a single phrase again and again.
And she often pared her accompaniment down to a lone guitar or a few keyboard notes, then brought in the full band as her voice leaped out of its nonchalance.
Anuna has roots in traditional music and early music, and now and then it's accompanied by an Irish harp, a tin whistle or a lone guitar.
They drop down to a lone guitar (for sincere mode) and build up to punk-pop choruses.
Its songs were bleak, complex and filled with tensions: lush melody attacked by noise, rhythm pulling against rhythm, a lone guitar suddenly caught up in crescendos like earthquakes.
Instruments are discreet, unwilling to break a silence unnecessarily; if a lone guitar or piano is all that's needed, Ida uses nothing else.
Only a few enclaves of merriment remained, groups dancing slowly to a lone guitar or singing drunkenly to themselves.
And at its core is his own lone guitar.