We are the lone remaining superpower in the world.
As the world's lone superpower, the United States is increasingly the main guarantor of global security and economic well-being, administration officials contend.
Supporters of an aggressive military campaign against terrorism say the United States, as the world's lone superpower, will be distrusted no matter what it does.
The administration policy toward the court says much about how the lone superpower will project force abroad.
As the lone superpower, we have a responsibility to fight tyranny around the world.
The United States may be the world's lone superpower.
Vatican officials worry about their uncontrolled diffusion with America as the world's lone superpower.
And perhaps, as the world's lone superpower, the United States does not always have to rely on such manipulations to get what it wants.
In the real world, a few terrorists are no match against the world's lone superpower.
The United States, now the lone superpower, with dwindling support for a military option, may have to take on the Iraqis alone next time.