It is above all a book about drug enforcement, the lonely, sometimes frustrating pursuit of drug kingpins by American agents.
Throughout 1935 Vivien continued her lonely pursuit of her husband.
By some accounts, it is an increasingly lonely pursuit.
And at holiday time, being a harpist is not a lonely pursuit.
He was an only child in a lonely pursuit, a boy who used to consider golf clubs his friends.
They both believe that having a "community" of the word is very important for writers, an inherently lonely pursuit.
The European ideal is inconsistent with a life defined by gain and greed and the lonely pursuit of self.
In 1993, after a stint at Business Week, she became a freelance writer and editor - a notoriously lonely pursuit.
In recent years, however, what was once seen as a lonely but serene pursuit has increasingly set competitive juices flowing.
Trouble is, it's become a bit of a lonely pursuit.